Thursday, August 9, 2012

Worns and founders are never coming out?

Hello Jammers! I don't know if it's true, but I just heard that worns are never coming out again! Same with Founder's Hat! I don't know if some other rares are never coming out, but these two rares (I heard) are never coming back out again! Aw man, that ruined my chance of wanting to buy a red worn. :( I also want a founder's hat. :( Hope It was only a fake rumor so AJHQ will put them back on.


  1. some said worn will come

  2. Its a rumor now that spikes are NOT coming back! btw my account is
    elizabethpurplelime please send me a jammagram! i would love to say "hi" so yeah! :( i am really sad about the top hats and now poeple want like 4 worns for a top hat! I am so mad!! anyway love your blog!!!

  3. I've been thinking.... You know at jammaa shop the request box? Maybe if most of AJ request member top hats and worns... they'll maybe come back. It's just an idea, but you never know if it will work. I hope you read my comment and find it useful ;).

  4. Worns(probably)cant be bought anymore,but you can get them in sky high with luck.

  5. NO I don't want them to come back out because all the people who worked hard for them will be like un rare (including me!)
    So I hope they don't come out again.
