Wednesday, August 1, 2012

''Reposting'' Goldfishypuppy's Animal Jam ''Big rare jammers bullying non rare jammers.'

Hello Jammers! It's me again, random, and today when I saw my friend, goldy's blog, I saw this post I was very angry. (Not at Goldy of course) But the big ''rare'' jammers! Here's a repost of goldy's post. * ALL RIGHTS GOES TO GOLDFISHYPUPPY A.K.A. GOLDY* REMEMBER, THIS IS A REPOST, NOT COPY, A REPOST FOR SHARING GOLDY'S POST.

Lessons of Jamaa #7: Rares bring out the true colors in Everyone

There WAS a video to go with this post, but the author removed it.

A few days ago, my friend, RjKingBeast published a video on YouTube titled:
Big "Rare" Jammers bully Smaller "Unrare" Jammers
She told me to watch it, so I did.

I was heartbroken to see five of my good friends BEATING another non member, small, innocent jammer!
Now, I'm not going to be mentioning any names, because the video was removed for false accusation in the description.

The story goes:
Two of my friends were bickering in the Lost Temple of Zios.
A few other friends were there, but they just watched.
Another small jammer who wasn't their friend came along and asked them to stop fighting.
She told them it was mean, and not right and politely begged them to stop.

My so-called 'friends' thought this was hilarious and made fun of her for having no rares, or top hats or anything.
They started saying things like:
"Haha I have tops hats"
And so and and so forth.
-Virtual Jaw Drop-
MY FRIENDS. Who I thought were nice, considerate, and didn't think so highly of their rares.
The jammer just stood their and told them to stop. This went on for another 5 minutes, While RjKingBeast yelled at them, then went to her den to wrap up the video, having the bullying continue back at Zios.
Once I was done watching the video, I deleted my friends immediately!
Right then, I was at a party they were at, too.
They right away questioned why I deleted them, I explained and more people got involved.

Everyone started watching the video, and was frustrated with them, too.
They posted mean comments on RJ's blog, about how she betrayed them about posting the video.
RJ had put the usernames of the jammers who were bullying the innocent girl in the description, and one of my friends was getting a lot of hate for doing nothing.
(I eventually re-added him)

Sorry that I don't have the video, but..

Lesson Learned: Rares bring out the true colors in EVERYONE

(There was a new signature here but something went wrong)

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